Amboy Bank News

Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network

March 1, 2023
As the number of people working from home continues to grow, there are important security measures that may be overlooked. The once-sufficient at-home internet setup may no longer be robust enough for the demand that working from home might present. Between video conferencing, sensitive documents and other confidential business information, critical business data can be at risk for exposure. Particularly, the high usage of personal devices while conducting business could be adding more risk to potential breaches and incidents of fraud to companies.

Recently, the National Security Agency (NSA) released “Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network,” including tips designed to help address the challenges remote employees and their respective employers face to better protect their networks from cyberattacks and hackers.

Some of the tips on how to better secure your data while working from home:
  • Keeping all your devices regularly up-to-date with the most recent upgrades is an easy and effective first defense against threats and can go a long way in keeping your, and your company’s, data secure.
  • The NSA recommends wireless networks be segmented between primary WI-FI, guest WI-FI and Internet of Things, or IoT network, (the collective network of connected devices and the technology communicating between the devices and the cloud) to prevent less secure devices from communicating directly with more secure devices.
  • Utilize two-factor authentication when possible. Two-factor authentication is when an online user must get through two different pieces of evidence before being granted access to a website, application, data, or other resources.
  • Remember to avoid opening emails and clicking on any links that could be from unverified senders. Common giveaways of non-legitimacy include slight grammar or spelling errors in the email address, subject and/or body of the email, as well as offers that appear overly urgent or too good to be true.
Please continue to check our Security Center for updates and tips, and if you experience any security related activity with any of your Amboy Bank accounts, please contact us immediately at 877-222-6269 or